Are you searching for Dhaka to Comilla train schedule and ticket prices on this route? Then you are in the right place. Hereafter, following the full post of Dhaka to Comilla train schedule, you will get a clear idea of how to travel on this route. We gathered all the information about this train route for traveling.
People called Jamalpur is the Rasamalai city in Bangladesh and many of us travel in this town regularly. So, every day a considerable number of people travel on Dhaka to Comilla route. The train distance from Dhaka to Comilla is about 191KM. According to all the details of this route, Bangladesh Railway fixes the train Schedule for Dhaka to the Comilla train route.
Table of Contents
Dhaka to Comilla Trains List
The correct information for Dhaka to Comilla train schedule is available on our site. Let’s check out the full info:
Dhaka To Jamalpur Trains List: They are 5 trains are available on this route. You won’t get to train every day for traveling from Dhaka to Comilla. The trains are:
- Mahanagar Express
- Mahanagar Godhuli
- Upakul Express
- Turna Express
- Mahanagar Provati
There are some mail trains which travel on this route. The mail trains are the slowest train in the Bangladeshi train route. If you want to go quickly then Intercity trains are the best for you. They are 3 mail trains which travel regularly on Dhaka to Comilla Train Route. The trains are:
- Dhaka Mail
- Comilla Comuter
- Karnafuli Express
- Chattala Express
- Dhaka Express
You can use these 5 trains for traveling from Dhaka to Comilla.
Dhaka To Comilla Train Schedule
If you are a regular or non-regular Passenger on this route, then you must know the Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule. Let’s check out the schedule:
Dhaka to Comilla Intercity Train Schedule
Mahanagar Express: The Mahanagar express is one of the fastest going train on the Dhaka To Comilla route. Because people use it for their travel more comfortable for going to Dhaka to Comilla or Comilla to Dhaka. Mahanagar express travels every day in a week. It started a journey from Dhaka at 15:19 and reached Comilla at 19:00. Then it leaves Comilla at 03:16 PM and Arrived Dhaka at 7 PM. The Train Code of Mahanagar Express is 721(Dhaka) and 722(Comilla). The off Day for the Mahanagar Express train is Sunday.
Mahanagar Godhuli: The Mahanagar Godhuli is another good train on this route. Passengers use it for going to the Comilla to Dhaka and Dhaka to Comilla. Mahanagar Godhuli is traveling every day in a week. There is no off day of Mahanagar Godhuli train. It is started its journey at 17.54 and Reached Comilla at 21.10. Then Mahanagar Godhuli leaves Comilla station at 05:41 PM and Reached Dhaka at 09:10 PM. The train code of Mahanagar Godhuli is 703 and 704.
Upakul Express: It is a very fast train on Dhaka to Comilla Route. Upakul Express is traveling every day in a week without Wednesday. It is started its journey at 8.01 and Reached Comilla at 11.50. Then Upakul Express leaves Comilla station at 13:00 and Reached Dhaka at 16:10. The train code of Karnafuli Express is 711 and 712.
Turna Express: Turna express is the newly launched train on this route. Passenger can travel Dhaka to Comilla easily by this train. Turna Express is traveling every day in a week. The off-day of Turna express is none. It is started its journey at 11:30 PM and Reached Comilla at 03:38 AM. Then Turna Express leaves Comilla station at 7.10 AM and Reached Dhaka at 11:40 AM. The train code of Turna Express is 741 and 742.
Mahanagar Provati: Mahanagar Provati Express is traveling every day in a week. It is started its journey at 07:45 AM and Reached Comilla at 11:04 AM. Then Mahanagar Provati leaves Comilla station at 13:00 and Reached Dhaka at 16:10. The train code of Mahanagar Provati Express is 711 and 712.
Dhaka to Comilla Train Schedule
Train Name (Code) | Departure Time | Arrival | Off day |
Mahanagar Godhuli (703) | 17.54 | 21.10 | No |
Mahanagar Provati(711) | 07:45 AM | 11:04 AM | No |
Upakul Express (711) | 8.01 | 11.50 | Wednesday |
Mahanagar Express (721) | 15.19 | 19.00 | Sunday |
Turna (741) | 3.20 | 6.20 | No |
Dhaka To Comilla Mail Train Schedule
Dhaka Mail: The Dhaka Mail train travel Comilla regularly. If you want to Go to Dhaka to Comilla then the Dhaka mail train is one of the best for you. The Dhaka mail train leaves the station at 1.30 am and Reaches Dhaka at 6.30 am in the morning.
Comilla Comuter: The Dhaka Mail train travel Comilla Daily. If you want to Go to Dhaka to Comilla then the Comilla mail train is very much good for you. The Comilla computer train leaves the station at 6.10 am and Reaches Comilla at 12.00 pm in the morning.
Karnafuli Express: The Karnafuli Express is another mail train on this route. It started to travel from Dhaka Station at 8.30 and Reached Comilla station at 2.30 PM
Chattala Express: It started to travel from Dhaka Station at 1.PM and Reached Comilla station at 6.00 PM
Dhaka Express: Dhaka express is another train which is travel regularly on this route. It started its journey from Dhaka station at 11.30 pm and reached Comilla station at 6.40 am.
Dhaka To Comilla Mail Train Schedule
Train Name (Code) | Departure Time | Arrival | Off day |
Dhaka Mail | 1.30 | 6.55 | No |
Karnafuli Express | 13.30 | 19.45 | No |
Dhaka Express | 23.33 | 6.40 | No |
Chttala Express | 11.40 | 15.35 | Tuesday |
Comilla Comuter | 6.10 | 12.50 | Tuesday |
Comilla To Dhaka Train Schedule
Many people also searching for Comilla to Dhaka train schedule. To go to Comilla to Dhaka you must know the train schedule on this route. Maximum trains of this route have no off day. So you easily travel on this route. Intercity Train Schedule And Mail train schedule for Comilla To Dhaka given below:
Train Name (Code) | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off day |
Mahanagar Godhuli (703) | 17.54 | 21.10 | No |
Upakul Express (711) | 8.01 | 11.50 | Wednesday |
Mahanagar Express (721) | 15.19 | 19.00 | Sunday |
Turna (741) | 3.20 | 6.20 | No |
Dhaka Mail | 1.30 | 6.55 | No |
Karnafuli Express | 13.30 | 19.45 | No |
Dhaka Express | 23.33 | 6.40 | No |
Chttala Express | 11.40 | 15.35 | Tuesday |
Comilla Comuter | 6.10 | 12.50 | Tuesday |
Dhaka to Comilla Train Ticket Price
Bangladesh Railway fixes train ticket fare according to different advantages, disadvantages and distances. Dhaka to Comilla train ticket price is also fixed by the BD railway. To make your journey more comfortable for going to Dhaka to Comilla you must know the ticket price. We are here to give you the right information about this route train ticket price. All the ticket prices are applicable for these two trains. So let’s check out the details about Dhaka to Comilla train ticket price.
- 1st Class Berth – 405 BDT
- 1st Class Seat – 270 BDT
- 2nd Class Mail – 70 BDT
- AC Berth – 702 BDT
- AC Seat – 466 BDT
- Commuter – 85 BDT
- Shovon – 170 BDT
- Shovon Chair – 205 BDT
- Snigdha – 391 BDT
- Sulov – 105 BDT
Remember: Always try to buy the ticket before 7-10 days of your traveling From Dhaka To Comilla.
Video Review Dhaka Comilla Train:
Thanks for reading this whole post about Dhaka to Comilla Train schedule. We hope it was helpful to you.
Must Check: Dhaka To Bogra Train Schedule.