Are you searching for Dhaka to Jamalpur train schedule and ticket prices on this route? Then you are in the right place. Hereafter, following the full post of Dhaka to Jamalpur train schedule, you will get a clear idea of how to travel on this route. We gathered all the information about this train route for travelling.
People called Jamalpur is the popular city in Bangladesh. So, Everyday a considerable number of people travel on this route. The train distance from Dhaka to Jamalpur is about 140KM. According to all the details of this route, Bangladesh Railway fixes the train Schedule for Dhaka to the Jamalpur train route.
Table of Contents
Dhaka to Jamalpur Trains List
The correct information for Dhaka to Jamalpur train schedule is available on our site. Let’s check out the full info:
Dhaka To Jamalpur Trains List: They are 4 trains are available on this route. You won’t get to train every day for travelling from Dhaka to Jamalpur. The trains are:
- Tista Express
- Aghnibina
- Brahmaputra Express
- Jamuna Express
There are some mail trains which travel on this route. The mail trains are the slowest train in the Bangladeshi train route. If you want to go quickly then Intercity trains are the best for you. They are 3 mail trains which travel regularly on Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Route. The trains are:
- Dewangonj Commuter
- Vawal Express
- Jamalpur Commuter
You can use these three trains for travelling from Dhaka to Jamalpur.
Dhaka To Jamalpur Train Schedule
If you are a regular or non-regular Passenger on this route, then you must know the Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule. Let’s check out the schedule:
Dhaka to Jamalpur Intercity Train Schedule:
Train Name | Departure time | Arrival time | Off Day |
Aghnibina | 4.30 pm | 10.35 pm | No off day |
Brahmaputra Express | 6.30 am | 12.30 am | No off day |
Jamuna Express | 3.15 am | 07.40 am | No off day |
Tista Express | 4.00 pm | 8.10 pm | Monday |
Mail Train Schedule:
Train Name (Code) | Departure time | Arrival time | Off Day |
Dewangonj Comuter | 3.40 pm | 10.15 pm | No off Day |
Jamalpur Comuter | 5.40 am | 11.40 am | No off day |
Vawal Express | 9.20 pm | 5.40 pm | No off day |
Jamalpur To Dhaka Train Schedule
Many people also searching for Jamalpur to Dhaka train schedule. To go to Jamalpur to Dhaka you must know the train schedule on this route. Maximum trains of this route have no off day. So you easily travel on this route. Intercity Train Schedule
Train Name | Departure time | Arrival time | Off Day |
Aghnibina | 4.30 pm | 10.35 pm | No off day |
Brahmaputra Express | 6.30 am | 12.30 am | No off day |
Jamuna Express | 3.15 am | 07.40 am | No off day |
Tista Express | 4.00 pm | 8.10 pm | Monday |
Mail Train Schedule:

Aghnibina Express Train
The Aghnibina express is one of the fastest going train on the Dhaka To Jamalpur route. Because people use it for their travel more comfortable for going to Dhaka to Jamalpur or Jamalpur to Dhaka. Aghnibina express travels every day in a week. It started a journey from Dhaka at 9:45 AM (BDT) and reached Jamalpur at 3.30 PM. Then it leaves Jamalpur at 4:30 AM and Arrived Dhaka at 10:35 AM. The Train Code of Aghnibina Express is 735(Dhaka) and 736(Jamalpur). There is no off Day for the Aghnibina Express train.
Brahmaputra Express Train
The Brahmaputra Express is another good train on this route. Passengers use it for going to the Jamalpur to Dhaka and Dhaka to Jamalpur. The middle station is the Brahmaputra on this route. Brahmaputra Express is travelling every day in a week. There is no off day of Brahmaputra Express train. It is started its journey at 6:00 PM(BDT) and Reached Jamalpur at 11.50 PM. Then Brahmaputra Express leaves Jamalpur station at 6:30 AM and Reached Dhaka at 12:30 PM. The train code of Brahmaputra Express is 743 and 744.
Tista Express Train
It is a very fast train on Dhaka to Jamalpur Route. Tista Express is travelling every day in a week without a single day. The off-day of Tista express is Monday. It is started its journey at 07:30 AM(BDT) and Reached Jamalpur at 02:30 PM. Then Tista Express leaves Jamalpur station at 4:00 PM and Reached Dhaka at 08:10 PM. The train code of Tista Express is 707 and 708.
Jamuna Express Train
Jamuna express is the newly launched train on this route. Passenger can travel Dhaka to Jamalpur easily by this train. Jamuna Express is travelling every day in a week. The off-day of Kurigram express is none. It is started its journey at 04:00 PM(BDT) and Reached Jamalpur at 10:30 PM. Then Jamuna Express leaves Jamalpur station at 3:15 AM and Reached Dhaka at 07:40 PM. The train code of Kurigram Express is 745 and 746.
Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Ticket Price
Bangladesh Railway fixes train ticket fare according to different advantages, disadvantages and distances. Dhaka to Jamalpur train ticket price is also fixed by the BD railway. To make your journey more comfortable for going to Dhaka to Jamalpur you must know the ticket price. We are here to give you the right information about this route train ticket price. All the ticket prices are applicable for these two trains(Agnibina, Brahmaputra, Jamuna, Tista and commuter trains.). So let’s check out the details about Dhaka to Jamalpur train ticket price.
- 1st Class (Barth)- 350 BDT
- Snigdha – 340 BDT
- 1st Class (Seat) – 235 BDT
- AC(Berth) – 604 BDT
- AC(Seat) – 403 BDT
- Shulov – 65 BDT
- Shuvon – 110 BDT
- Shuvon (Chair) – 175 BDT
How to Buy Dhaka To Jamalpur train Ticket Online?
D haka to Jamalpur is a busy route in Bangladesh. So passengers of this route buy their ticket as pre-booking systems. For that, the tickets are not always available in the stations. We have a simple solution for your inconvenience problem. You can also buy a ticket online through our system. Recently Bangladesh started this service for decreasing passenger problems. Now you can purchase the ticket through E-Sheba. You can also check the price list according to the advantages of this route. So let’s check out on how to buy Dhaka to Jamalpur train ticket online:
- First Go
- Create an account on this site.
- Select your station and Seat
- Pay your total Money by your card, Bkash or another method.
- Print your Ticket
Remember: Always try to buy the ticket before 7-10 days of your travelling From Dhaka To Jamalpur.
Must Check: Dhaka To Bogra Train Schedule.