Are you searching for Dhaka to Rajshahi train schedule? Then you are in the right place here we provide you with the full information about Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule. Three trains are available on this route. You can go to your desire station through these 3 trains ( Silk City, Padma and Dhumketu Express). Trains run on this route every day. So, you can go to Rajshahi, one of the three trains, from Dhaka. All the trains follow the Bangladesh railway schedule. So you never wait for more for your train.
Dhaka is the central station in Bangladesh which is first founded on January 1, 1969. Almost all over Bangladeshi come to Dhaka for a different profession. Almost every day trains from the Kamlapur Railway Station of Dhaka are travelling around the country. For those who want to go Rajshahi, Here is the Schedule of Dhaka to Rajshahi Train
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Dhaka to Rajshahi Train List
Dhaka-Rajshahi rail route is trendy. Thousands of people, including people in business, businessmen and students, travelled on this route every day. Bangladesh Railway provides two or three different types of train on Dhaka to Rajshahi route. These trains are intercity and mail or express train. These trains are available from Dhaka to Rajshahi and also Rajshahi to Dhaka.
Dhaka To Rajshahi Intercity Train
Bangladesh Railway started the inter-city rail service in 1985. Currently, 79 intercity trains are running. They are 3 difference intercity train on this route. Here is the list of Intercity Train of Dhaka to Rajshahi route.
- Silk City Express
- Padma Express
- Dhumketu Express
Mail Train of Dhaka To Rajshahi
They are no mail or express train on this route. This route e-mail train was about to be launched but not yet. But we are hopeful that in a few days the mail train from Dhaka to Rajshahi Will launch.
Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Silk City Express | Sunday | 14.40 | 21.05 |
Padma Express | Tuesday | 23.10 | 04.50 |
Dhumketu Express | Saturday | 06.00 | 11.50 |
Silk City Express
Although the revenue earnings increased in the west of the Bangladesh Railway, the quality of passenger services did not improve, but it also decreased. The SilkCity Train has brought many improvements there. The Silk City train left Dhaka at 02:40 and reached Rajshahi at 9:15 pm. Sunday is the closing day of Silk City Express train. The train number of Silk City Express in Dhaka station is 753 and Rajshahi 754. Again this train left Rajshahi at 7.30 am and reached Dhaka by 2 pm.
Padma Express
Padma Express is another intercity train in Dhaka to Rajshahi Route. People love to visit this train very much. The Padma Express train left Dhaka at 11:10 pm and reached Rajshahi at 4:50 Am. Sunday is the closing day of Padma Express train. The train number of Padma Express in Dhaka station is 759 and Rajshahi 760. Again, this train left Rajshahi at 4 pm and reached Dhaka by 9.50 pm.
Dhumketu Express
Dhumketu Express is an intercity train in Dhaka to Rajshahi Route. People always love to visit this train. The Dhumketu Express train left Dhaka at 6.00 am and reached Rajshahi at 11:50 Am. Saturday is the closing day of Dhumketu Express train. The train number of Dhumketu Express in Dhaka station is 769 and Rajshahi 770. Again this train left Rajshahi at 11.20 pm and reached Dhaka by 4.55 Am.
Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Ticket Price
The Total Distance from Dhaka to Rajshahi is about 343 Kilometers. According to the distance and facilities of the Destination, Bangladesh Railway determines the ticket price. All train fares in Bangladesh are usually dependent on the convenience of the train. According to the Bangladesh Railway system, the Following Ticket price is applicable in Dhaka to Rajshahi Route.
- Shovon Chair Ticket Price – 340 Tk
- Snigdha Ticket Price – 570 TK
- AC Seat Ticket Price – 680 TK
- AC Birth Ticket Price – 1020 TK
Train Ticket Booking
Online booking has become a favourite medium for ticket booking. But many people in our country think we like to buy a ticket at the station. You can buy tickets in a different way for going from Rajshahi to Dhaka. If you want you can buy a ticket online, or you can go to the station to collect your ticket. You have to pay the same amount for both purposes. However, if the tickets are booked online, then you will have to collect the original ticket from the station with the ticket number again. So I think collecting tickets from the station is better if it is not more urgent.
We desire that your journey is always happy and safe. If any problem to collect your ticket or anything comment below, we will try to solve your problem.